
You will find the most current and insightful blog posts about Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI), financial stewardship, and current investing trends as they apply to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on this blog. If there is a subject you would like to see addressed let me know by sending me an email suggestion. Let’s collaborate in making the Kingdom of God a financially blessed place.

The Base Case for Biblically Responsible Investing
Derek Hastings Derek Hastings

The Base Case for Biblically Responsible Investing

It is generally accepted that the reason people invest in the markets is to make a profit on their money greater than they can by putting it a bank and accepting the guarantees they offer. Pretty straight forward and not a real revelation. But more and more investors are comparing their investments with their values. Thus, placing a greater value on what their money is doing in and to the world than what kind of return they can get. And, those of you reading this would most likely say, well…yeah…what’s the point.

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Good News Of Great Joy 
Michael Woodward Michael Woodward

Good News Of Great Joy 

Christians today recognize and rejoice in this good news. We certainly count it great joy that God has made a way for the salvation of sinners like us through the death and resurrection of Christ, by grace alone, through faith in Jesus alone. This is very good news!

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