
You will find the most current and insightful blog posts about Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI), financial stewardship, and current investing trends as they apply to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ on this blog. If there is a subject you would like to see addressed let me know by sending me an email suggestion. Let’s collaborate in making the Kingdom of God a financially blessed place.

Financial Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice 
Inspire News Michael Woodward Inspire News Michael Woodward

Financial Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice 

Droves of Christian investors are discovering biblically responsible investing (BRI) for the first time as the BRI movement continues to gain momentum around the country and around the globe. These investors are learning the hard truth that they have been investing God’s money – and it’s all God’s money, right? – into businesses directly profiting from and supporting some of the vilest forms of depravity that the human mind can conjure.

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